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Calculate Your Potential Savings With DocuSign System Of Agreements in 3 EASY STEPS!

published by sofian saoudi Feb 15, 2022
Calculate Your Potential Savings With DocuSign System Of Agreements in 3 EASY STEPS!

Unless you’ve been living in isolation well before COVID-19 started, you must know that DocuSign is the leader in the digital signature space. Their software allows you to place documents in a digital envelope and send them for signature to anyone in the world. By implementing the DocuSign System of Agreements, businesses can save a ton of time and money.

In this post, you will learn how to calculate the potential savings you can actually realize in your current System of Agreements. DocuSign allows you to send any document in a digital envelope to collect information, signatures, and even payments from your recipients.

The cool thing is that the people you’re sending envelopes don’t need to have a DocuSign subscription, they can use it on their desktop or mobile devices. Even without using their mobile app, the user experience is great, allowing your customers to do business with you on the go.

 Your Current System of Agreements

Your business has a System of Agreements, whether you’re aware of it or not. If you’re not aware of it, it’s probably not very efficient… and costly! For a lot of businesses, that includes email threads, lost attachments, spreadsheets, or worse… paper, and a lot of copy-paste-print-scan-send-back. Now, if you think that it’s expensive, your system costs you much more.

 Alright, So How Can you Calculate your Savings? 

Let’s just jump on solusign’s website and find the Calculate the form of your potential savingsIt looks like this:

  • Think of a use case that involves sending a form or contract, like a sales proposal sent by sales reps, for example. 
  • Enter the number of these agreements your team (or yourself) sends on average every month
  • Enter the Time it takes your sales reps to prepare, send, act on, and manage the proposal.
  • Enter the Hourly rate you pay the team members involved in the workflow.

 Let’s Do the Math… 

Let’s say your reps spend 45 minutes on each proposal. And you pay your sales rep $30 per houryour current System of Agreements is costing you $10,800 per year!

Now, if we introduce DocuSign System of Agreements to your workflow and save half of that time (and that’s a very conservative number) you’re saving $5,400 per year per rep. And that’s just the beginning…

  • With DocuSign, your sales cycle is also reduced, because you’re making it easy for your customers to do business with you. They don’t need to have a subscription and can sign anywhere on any device.
  • You’re not forcing them to print documents at their work when their manager isn’t watching or, worse, swapping their lunch break for a trip to the nearest post office. I’ve worked with clients who saved 60, 70, and sometimes even 80% of the time that was previously spent before implementing a new DocuSign System of Agreements.

 How does the DocuSign System of Agreements save you all that time? 

Obviously, getting rid of paper and email plays a big part but DocuSign allows you to send envelopes in just a few clicks using Templates. You can use templates on any documents, whether the information your documents contain need to change or not. 

For now, what you need to know is that they can help you send documents in a couple of clicks and can be integrated with other software like Salesforce or any other CRM. In short, the DocuSign System of Agreements allows you to automate your workflow.

How Much Does DocuSign Cost? 

The biggest mistake I see my clients make is rolling out DocuSign to just one use case and still using legacy processes in other departments. So, if you’re using it for Sales, great, but don’t stop there; your HR and Legal teams will also appreciate it. And if you’ve already paid for an annual subscription with DocuSign, you might as well use all the envelopes you’ve paid for!

DocuSign has various plans and charges per envelope. The cost will range from $10 per month to a couple of thousands per year; it just depends on what you need.

To find the right plan, I strongly recommend that you get in contact with us so that we can point you in the right direction. If you want a more accurate estimation of how much you could be saving, you want to make a list of all business processes that require a form to be filled out or a signature and use the ROI calculator.

So, What’s Next? 

If you haven’t yet, sign up for a DocuSign trial so that you can start sending your first envelopes and get in touch with us so that we can strategize the rollout! I can assure you, your bottom line will thank you!

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