Case Study: Market Signal

Philip Grace, General Partner at Market Signal
"Investors often praise us about how easy it is to subscribe to the fund"
Taking the Investor Journey to New Heights
Market Signal, an AI-based hedge fund in the Cayman Islands, faced a hurdle with investor documents from their lawyer.
The General Partner, Philip Grace, feared losing investors due to difficult-to-understand PDF forms.
Attempting to use DocuSign, Philip found the process too complicated and approached Solusign for help.
Working with Market Signal’s team, Solusign accomplished the following:
- Designed an investor questionnaire to identify the investor profile
- Built subscription agreements as DocuSign templates
- Integrated DocuSign templates with the investor questionnaire

The Results
After working with our team, Market Signal's subscription process is so smooth that investors often praise it, and the process is almost entirely automated. Investors and their representatives can now complete documents through a simple link.

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